Securitize old growth forests.
Preserve natural capital.
Empower stewards of the land.

Centree finances the protection of old growth forests by turning them into investable, living assets. 

This offsets the economic pressure to destroy these fragile ecosystems, creating ongoing income that delivers both investor returns and funding for long-term sustainable land stewardship.

Indigenous led and majority owned by design.


We put a liquid market price on the age of trees.

Centree uses low-carbon blockchain technology to value and authenticate areas of old growth forests, issuing digital securities that combine ongoing carbon revenues with a new way of connecting a liquid market price to the age of a tree.

In this way, Centree will make old growth protection a new savings vehicle for retail and institutional investors, while providing income for the owners and stewards of the land.

With this regenerative system in place, the living forest will have a quantifiable economic value to counterbalance extractive market forces that only value the forest when it is dead.

Who are we?

We are a global, multidisciplinary team of doers who have started multiple companies, generated billions in enterprise value, and been at the cutting edge of regenerative economics. We share a core set of beliefs: 

  • old growth forests need to be safeguarded

  • regenerative economics are more profitable than extractive economics in the long run

  • local and Indigenous forest communities can, and should, retain:

    • economic benefit

    • autonomy over their way of life

    • an equitable stake in this new regenerative economy 

  • humanity has both the desire and tools to build this reality

Centree is the realisation of these beliefs and delivers a new form of conservation, which is far more nuanced than traditional approaches and economically rewarded by global markets.


Think you can

add something?

This idea is growing fast and so is our team of technologists, economists, ecologists, entrepreneurs and, activists.

Interested in joining us? Interested in investing in the idea or the forests? Perhaps you know of an area that needs protection? Or another organization with which we should partner?

Whatever the reason, if you think you have something to add, then please do get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.